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Friday, September 11, 2009

pulse warmers

Friday and I just spent way too much time on browsing all the lovely wrist and pulse warmers that are for sale there! They are easy to knit and attractive, keep your hands warm without getting in the way of typing or texting or ipod use. I came across a pair that had been gifted to a friend when she visited Sweden recently and she kindly allowed me to take a picture. Aren't they lovely? I did find similar pairs on etsy knitted by a Lithuanian knitter, but may have found the actual knitter of this pair on Ravelry by searching projects. Get inspired! Make a pair for yourself - I think I will! I want to use handspun yarn in mine... :-) Some of the notes on the fine weight beaded pulse warmers say that they string anywhere from 350 to 1900 beads per wrist! And the one lady is selling them for only $26.00 US. Back to work - rainy day today and my brain is telling me to go back to bed. More coffee!

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